Federal Health Act

SAMS » Projects » Projects A–Z » Federal Health Act

In its roadmaps on the sustainable development of the healthcare system (2019) and the sustainability of healthcare services within planetary boundaries (2022), the SAMS called for reforms and proposed the drafting of a Federal Health Act. In this context, it commissioned Unisanté Lausanne to provide scientific insight into the state of governance of the healthcare system and the relevance of a Federal Health Act.

The report entitled «Analyse de la gouvernance du système de santé suisse et proposition d'une loi fédérale sur la santé» was published by Unisanté in February 2024. It highlights the fact that the Swiss healthcare system is currently managed at federal level, primarily through the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal). Yet a healthcare policy should go far beyond this. The Unisanté report highlights a healthcare system that, while performing well, is ill-adapted to future challenges, with a fragmented vision of health, complex governance and tangled responsibilities.


The SAMS will examine the findings and recommendations presented in the report, and will draw up a position paper on the subject. The report is currently available in French. It will also be published in German together with the position paper this summer.


Working Group

Professor Henri Bounameaux, Satigny, SAMS President

Valérie Clerc, Bern, SAMS

Professor Luca Crivelli, Manno, SAMS

Dr. Stefan Essig, Luzern, Academic Medicine

Professor Olivier Guillod, Corcelles, Health Law

Dr Thomas Heiniger, Zürich, Health Policy

Daniel Scheidegger, Arlesheim, SAMS



Project Team

Professor Stéfanie Monod, Lausanne, Unisanté, Lead

Nelly Courvoisier, Lausanne, Unisanté (since June 2023)

Dr Chantal Grandchamp, Lausanne, Unisanté

Xavier Mariétan, Lausanne, Unisanté (since June 2023)

Stéphanie Pin, Lausanne, Unisanté (until May 2023)







lic. phil. Valérie Clerc
Secretary General
Tel. +41 31 306 92 71